Pray God’s Name for 31 Days
It’s that time of year again. Fresh starts, do-overs and thinking about the future. While I’ve never been a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions, I think there is something valuable about reflecting and casting vision. Where has God taken you? Where is God taking you?
In the past I’ve started the years off by praying a Proverb a day. There are 31 days in January and 31 Proverbs so it fit perfectly. But one year I wanted to do something a bit different. So I decided to pray God’s name for 31 days.
You can do this too (see below). It’s a perfect way to start off the New Year on the right foot. And if you read this a little late. Don’t worry if you missed the January 1st start date, you can start whenever!

As you may know there are many names describing our Heavenly Father in the Bible. I chose 31 and added scripture references for each day. You can download the printable calendar below to use in your quiet time or devotions.
Have you ever prayed the scriptures before? God’s word is alive and powerful. In Hebrews 4:12 (NIV) we are told “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
RELATED: Scriptures to Speak Over Your Children
Wow, it can penetrate the soul and spirit? Judge the thoughts and attitudes of the heart? What else can do that? When you read and meditate on the scriptures God’s nature is revealed to us.
We learn who He is and just how much He loves us. We can also find direction, wisdom and strength in His word.
So you may be thinking, that sounds great I want to learn more about God’s plan for my life, but how exactly do I pray the scriptures? If you aren’t used to praying out loud it may feel awkward at first, but I urge you to keep going.
Our words are so powerful so I suggest reading the scriptures and reciting them out loud at least one time a day.
Here is an example of a way to pray the first scripture reference and name of God:
Psalm 31:1 (NIV) In you, LORD, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness.
Pray: I look to you YHWH (Yahweh). You are my refuge, my hiding place. Thank you Lord that you want to reveal yourself to me. Show me more of you. I’m grateful that you want a covenant relationship with me, show me your nature. I run to you Lord, for you alone keep me safe.
RELATED: What Does Wonders of His Love Really Mean?
You can pray the meaning of the name and the scripture references.
Finally, I decided to focus specifically on the Father for this 31 day challenge. I want to get to know Him better this year. There are also numerous names for Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Maybe I’ll have to do another calendar next year!
You can download it to your desktop or print it out for your prayer room.
So will you take this New Years challenge with us and pray God’s name for 31 days? If you decide to do it, post a scripture and tag us Instagram @inspired.motherhood
I’d love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know if you decide to take this challenge. I’m looking forward to an awesome 2022. I pray God’s nature, face and love are revealed to you in the upcoming weeks.
I pray to our heavenly father everyday and thank him for providing for myself, family and friends. This will be a pleasure to accomplish.
This is great, thanks for sharing it. I love that our Father has so many names to cherish Him by.
OMG! I love this! I have been wanting to learn the various names for God for a long time. This blog post confirms that I am moving in the right path to increase my relationship with God and increase my knowledge of His word. The devotional is extremely cute by the way.
I love this challenge. It is such a beautiful idea. I am following along for sure.
I love this and the layout. I’ve been meaning to get back in the word and praying so I will be getting this printed out.
I love what I have read and I would love to have a print out of the calendar and print out it sounds like something that will help you to understand on a much better level
You can download the calendar in the post! Follow the link above 🙂