Christmas 2015 Recap
The days following Christmas I am always sad that the festivities are over. I love spending time with family and relaxing by the Christmas tree. I think Izzy may also have a hard time when she realizes the lights are all gone. But before we say goodbye to Christmas 2015 let’s recap the events.
This year we spent Christmas morning at home with our family of four. As to be expected Izzy enjoyed opening her presents. We didn’t do any big items this year. Instead we decided to sign her up for swim lessons and a music class. For presents, she got a toaster for her kitchen, a small train set and puzzles.
She doesn’t quite get what Christmas is all about so we still have time to think about how we want to handle the presents. I’ve heard of families doing 3 gifts similar to the wise men’s 3 gifts to Jesus. I kind of like that idea. What does your family do? After Christmas morning here we headed to my Nona and Pop-Pop’s house for an amazing brunch!
This year my extended family decided to give all DIY gifts and it was seriously amazing! So many talented crafters, woodworkers and artists in my family. The gifts people came up with were incredible. I’ll have to get pictures to show you. In the afternoon we rested at my parents house and opened more presents. We are blessed for sure.
Izzy knew it was Jesus’ birthday so she kept asking for birthday cake. I think next year we should make a cake and sing to Jesus. Have you ever heard of that? The day after Christmas my husband’s family came and we had another wonderful day. Izzy got a Minnie Mouse cooking set and she was in love. Why are all her favorite toys food related? We love spending time with family and quality time is definitely a love language of mine.