6 Month Update
Half a year old! IJ you are such a big boy and really starting to become aware of your surroundings. This past month you have learned to scoot. You can easily move across the room by dragging your body and lounging forward. Recently, you have been getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. I have a feeling you will be crawling shortly. Most of the time you scoot to get a toy or something you think is a toy to put in your mouth. You LOVE chewing on anything and everything.
You still love your sister and you get so excited when you see her. IJ you are a very sweet boy and always have a big smile on your face. Your favorite activities include watching your sister, jumping in your jumperoo, going for walks and being held! At this point in time you love your mama and love to be snuggled. You are also a great eater. I don’t think there is any food you haven’t really liked. Your favorites seem to be sweet potato, avocado and pears. We recently started adding spices to your baby food and you seem to enjoy it. I wonder if you will love spicy food as much as we do! I have a feeling when you get older you will always be asking for a snack just like your sister.
One of the first things people comment on when they see you are your big brown eyes. They are beautiful! With your big eyes you seem to be analyzing the world around you. You seem very curious and socially aware. I can’t wait to see your personality develop over the years. In the last month, you became more expressive in your facial expressions and vocalizations. It is so cute to hear your sweet voice and see you blow raspberries. You are slowly learning to sit up and with support you can do it! We love seeing you grow IJ and look forward to the months to come.
Aww! So sweet! I loved those days of them starting to b mobile. Lol. So adorable!