Working Out – Preggo Style
As I mentioned in some of my previous posts, working out is something I always want to do, but I often find myself making excuses so I don’t have to do it! Here are some tips I posted in 2012. Now that I am expecting a baby, I want to make sure my exercise is appropriate and safe. So I’ve done some research and found a few great resources that will help you get the perfect workout while pregnant!
Here is a great youtube video by popsugartvfit – Supposedly it’s a Heidi Klum Pregnancy Workout. I’ve done it a few times and I have found it to be a good workout (although short, it’s a good quick burn).
I also love the fitpregnancy website. Check out a few of their workouts, you won’t be disappointed!
Ready Set Push Workout
Super Mom Workout
Lastly, the bump has an exercising through pregnancy worksheet that you can download. This may help you fit in a few exercises in between naps 🙂 The Bump