Soothing a Gassy Baby
I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Little Remedies. I received a product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
We have an interesting dynamic in our family since my husband is a physician and he claims I don’t trust doctors. I wouldn’t 100% agree, but there is some truth to his statement. I enjoy finding natural solutions before administering medicine. When I personally take medicine or give it to Izzy I want to make sure it is safe and includes the most natural ingredients possible.
In June before our big move she got sick twice with fevers over 102 degrees. This was her first big fever and of course I was nervous! I remember finding Little Remedies® products at our local drugstore and I felt good about the ingredients. I was glad to find their products did not contain any artificial flavors, artificial colors or alcohol. It seemed like many of the popular brands contained artificial dyes and flavors, I couldn’t believe it.
Now that we have another baby on the way I’ve been trying to remember what it is like having an infant around! I can’t believe it has been almost two years since Izzy was first born. I remember the first few times she cried. I felt somewhat panicked and I wanted to do everything I could to soothe her. Sometimes she just needed a snuggle, other times it seemed like nothing worked.
Soothing a Gassy Baby
Around 2-3 months of age we tried gripe water and gas drops with her. There were a few periods in her infancy where I wasn’t sure what was bothering her and the grip water seemed to help. It also helped to keep her upright after I breastfed. I also tried eliminating some things from my diet as well as trying all different kinds of bouncing and rocking motions to comfort Izzy.
I was happy to stock up on Little Remedies® Gas Drops and Gripe Water for baby number two. The gas drops help relieve tummy pain and gently soothe stomach bloating. One of the best parts, there are no artificial colors or flavors and no alcohol or preservatives in the drops. The gripe water also eases tummy pain and relieves discomfort from hiccups.
Do you have a gassy baby? Registered dietician Bridget Swinney teamed up with Little Remedies® to share some great tips and tricks for helping a gassy baby.
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