
Baby’s First Food – What We Are Feeding Our Baby!

We started giving Izzy her first solid foods!  It is both scary and exciting to give your baby solid food.  We hesitated and tried to hold off, but she seemed hungry and more milk didn’t satisfy her.  So far she seems to like it!  She has tried avocado, banana, sweet potato, and peaches.

baby's first food chart, baby food recommendations

I made a chart of baby’s first foods to hang in our kitchen.  I did this as a quick remember of foods that are best for a small baby.


Along the way, I found a few websites and books to be helpful.  But I’ve also realized I have a love/hate relationship with google!  It is wonderful to live in an age of technology where you can look anything up.  On the flip side, it can make you a paranoid worried mom.  As with many things, I need to find a balance between looking things up and trusting my mommy instincts.

baby's first food chart

I read Disease Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right by Dr. Fuhrman.  It was a great read!  Very informative and gives you a technical analysis of food and healthy eating habits.

I also bought Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron.  I have to admit this book is a little overwhelming!  I think she has some great tips and resources, but I haven’t used all of her suggestions and it would take forever to read the whole book.

Lastly, a friend told me about the website Wholesome Baby Food.  This is an informative website and the best part is it’s free!

Have you made your own baby food?  What did you find most helpful?

Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning.  Lamentations 3:23

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  1. What a cute list! I just used jars of baby food but now that he’s getting older, we use fresh fruits and mash them a bit, same with the veggies. He loves gnawing on string beans. 🙂 It’s fun to see them grow and change and experience new foods.

  2. With my older children I followed all the books, introduced certain foods at certain ages, and used the “healthy” jarred baby food. That was 10 years ago. Now I’ve started over (after a 4.5 year break w/o a baby) and have an 8 month old. He eats what we eat – bread, pieces of banana, oatmeal, cream of wheat, canned pumpkin, potato in all forms (including “french”) and the list goes on. He’s my #5 and I’ve learned with experience that all those “experts” just create a lot of unnecessary pressure and expense for moms. He’s growing and developing and that’s what’s important. Thanks for sharing at Family Fun Friday.

    1. I’ve also read about feeding babies food right from the table. There are too many theories out there, sometimes you just need to go with your instincts!

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