
15 Proverbs to Pray Over Your Kids for Wisdom!

Parenting is hard! The more I speak to other moms, the more I realize we often question if we are making the “right” move when raising our children. We worry about navigating challenging topics with our kids and how to prepare them for the real world. The good news is we don’t have to live in the unknown.

God tells us if we need wisdom, He is generous to give it to us. (James 1:5)

So when we find ourselves questioning, “What should we do!?” we can boldly go to God’s throne and ask Him for guidance. Then we trust He will give it to us!

A great way to gain wisdom in parenting is by reading the Bible. Getting into God’s word is one of the main ways God speaks to us.

The book of Proverbs is full of wisdom and knowledge. It always amazes me how relevant the words are, even when written hundreds of years ago.

Side note: At the beginning of the year, I often read one proverb a day (see my proverbs challenge here) to start my year focused on Him. You can do this any month with 31 days in it.

But let’s get back to parenting wisdom. Instead of just reading the scriptures, why not pray them over your kids and our families?

There is power when we speak the word out loud.

If we need wisdom in parenting or we want our kids to grow in wisdom and knowledge, Proverbs is the perfect book to pray. 

In different seasons I find myself praying different scriptures. Sometimes we need words to ward off bad dreams or speak life into our family. Other times I find myself needing scriptures to encourage my weary mom heart.

Speak life into your children! Here are 15 proverbs to pray over your kids for wisdom, kind hearts, and good friends.

These prayers focus on wisdom, insight, and knowledge. And you’ll also learn how to pray the book of proverbs over your kids.

So let’s get started!

15 Proverbs to Pray Over Your Kids for Wisdom

Verse 1: Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Proverbs 3:3 NLT

Prayer 1: Dear Heavenly Father, we pray our children embrace love and faithfulness. May they understand the power of loving words and actions. Write mercy and kindness on our children’s hearts, it will never leave them. 

Verse 2: My child, listen when you father corrects you. Don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Proverbs 1:8 NLT

Prayer 2: Lord, give us the courage to correct and instruct our children when needed. Give us wisdom in raising kids in this generation. We also pray our children’s hearts would be open to instruction. May they love wisdom and chase after understanding. 

Verse 3: Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path. Proverbs 4:25-26 NLT

Prayer 3: Fix our eyes upon Jesus. Lord, give our children vision for the future. Show us as parents how to encourage our children to keep their eyes on you, walking straight ahead. Staying in right standing with you. 

Verse 4: My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel. Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you’ve learned. Proverbs 5:1-2 NLT

Prayer 4: Heavenly Father gives us wisdom when parenting our children. May their eyes, ears and hearts be open to the wisdom you’ve given us. May they seek wisdom from above at a young age and see the value of understanding and discernment.

Verse 5: If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding. Provers 15:32 NLT

Prayer 5: Holy Spirit we accept your discipline and correction. We know it is for our good. We pray our children will also listen to correction so they can grow in understanding. Help them understand the value of discipline. 

Need wisdom in your parenting? Read the book of proverbs. Speak life over your kids and watch God move. Here are 15 powerful proverbs to pray over your kids.

May Our Words be Life-Giving

Verse 6: The words of the godly are a life-giving fountain; the words of the wicked conceal violent intentions. Proverbs 10:11 NLT

Prayer 6: Dear God, allow our words as parents to be life-giving to our children. Please give us the words to speak life into their hearts and encourage them to pursue the gifts you’ve placed inside them. We also ask you to guard our children’s mouths. May the words they speak be sweet, kind, and encouraging. 

Verse 7: Patience can persuade a prince, and soft speech can break bones. Proverbs 25:15 NLT

Prayer 7: Oh Jesus, may our children be slow to speak and quick to listen. May our children learn to be patient in all situations. We thank you for boldness and strength, and we also rejoice in quietness and meekness.

Verse 8: People who despise advice are asking for trouble; those who respect a command will succeed. Proverbs 12:13 NLT

Prayer 8: Lord, help us accept criticism and advice from others. Forgive us if pride is standing in our way of receiving wisdom. We pray our children will crave wisdom and godly instruction. Help them to respect and follow your commandments so they may be rewarded.

Let Us Refresh Others

Verse 9: The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25 NLT

Prayer 9: May our children’s hearts be open to seeing those who need refreshment. Help our family to be generous with our time, talents, and money. Give our children the boldness to care for others even if it goes against the social norm. 

Verse 10: A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 NLT

Prayer 10: Heavenly Father, cultivate loyalty in our children. May they be quick to help others and be known as true friends. Please give us the wisdom as parents to instill this trait in our children.

Verse 11: Common sense and success belong to me. Insight and strength are mine. Proverbs 8:14 NLT

Prayer 11: Lord, we declare that common sense belongs to our children. You have given them sound minds and insight in all situations. We pray they would fully understand who they are in you and the strength you have imparted in their lives.

Verse 12: When arguing with your neighbor, don’t betray another person’s secret. Proverbs 25:9 NLT

Prayer 12: God, we know gossip is detrimental. Lord, help our children to be trustworthy when others share their heart with our children. May they good listeners. Guard their hearts and their tongues. 

Reading the Bible is a great way to gain parenting wisdom. The book of proverbs is full of wisdom and knowledge. Use these 15 verses to pray over your kids every day!

Pray for The Right Friends for Your Kids

Verse 13: As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 NLT

Prayer 13: Dear Jesus we pray you would bring the right friends into our children’s lives. Give them divine appointments and friends who love you with all their hearts. This way they can sharpen each other and encourage each other in the Lord. 

Verse 14: The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions. Proverbs 28:1 NLT

Prayer 14: Give our children boldness like lions. Please give them the courage to confidently face the giant, knowing who they belong to! May they walk into every situation knowing you are with them, never leaving them. 

Verse 15: Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it. Proverbs 22:6 NLT

Prayer 15: Dear Lord, as we raise our children, give us the wisdom to direct their paths. Please give us the strength to teach them your ways, so they will not depart from it when they grow old. Amen!

These verses and prayers should get you started. Declare God’s promises over you family each and every day.

There are so many wonderful proverbs to pray over your kids. I just highlighted a few. The prayers are just examples, feel free to pray what the Spirit leads you to speak.

I hope this post gives you inspiration to pray over your family and take hold of the promises in the Bible. If you liked it be sure to share with your friends.

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