Moved In
We are officially moved in to our new house! Thankfully everything went relatively smoothly with the move and we were so blessed to have movers. It made moving while 30 weeks pregnant so much easier. I’m also thankful for our family and friends who helped throughout the process. I wasn’t sure how Izzy would do with the move, but overall she has adjusted well so far. The first night in our new home she rolled around in her crib for a while and seemed to be taking it all in. I think recognizing her bedroom furniture and her toys helped her feel more “at home.” It’s so cute because every time we drive up to our house she says “new house.” It’s almost like she understands what happened! She even recognizes when we pull into our neighborhood.
Izzy has become very attached to her “lambie.” It was actually one of my stuffed animals from 9th grade! This girl has so many animals to choose from and she picks the oldest and most worn one to love. I honestly can’t believe the thing hasn’t fallen apart yet. Every time I put it in the washer I say a little prayer. I got it at the FAO Swartz in NYC. I’m sure they don’t make the exact lamb animal anymore, but I may need to keep my eyes out in case he needs to be replaced. I think stuffed animals or blankets are helpful when adjusting to new things and Izzy seems to enjoy having the comfort of her “lambie” when taking a nap and going to bed at night.
We still have a lot of unpacking and organizing to do, but our house is certainly livable at this point. We were blessed to find a house that didn’t need much updating. It would have been difficult to renovate when my husband works long hours and I’m in my third trimester. Some of our rooms are empty at this point because we upgraded from a town home to a single family home. We will slowly buy furniture and complete each room. I’m in no rush at this point! My biggest goals are to organize the main living spaces (living room, kitchen) and finish Izzy’s bedroom and the baby boy nursery.
Izzy has been enjoying the big backyard. She loves wandering around our yard and pointing at all the flowers. Here is my first bouquet with flowers from our yard! I can’t wait to start a garden with Izzy so we can have some vegetables as well.