Happy 2nd Birthday
Wow I can’t believe it has been two years since our baby girl was born! It makes me smile and feel sentimental all at the same time. Today I thought I’d share some of my favorite pictures and a quick update on Izzy as I write a post to her on her second birthday.
You bring so much joy into our lives! Your excitable personality lights up the room and when you decide to give hugs it’s one of the best feelings in the world. Recently, you spoke your first sentence: “I am a child of God.” You love to sing, dance and run around screaming with joy. We know God certainly has placed a call on your life and we are excited to see you grow in His love over the years.
You love to be outside. Whether it’s going down the slide at the park or running up the small hill in our backyard you find joy in nature. You also love to swim. When you first enter the pool you let out a few screams because you are so excited. We are still working on having you keep your mouth closed so you don’t swallow too much water, but sometimes you can’t contain your excitement and your mouth is wide open.
You are very good at playing with your toys and entertaining yourself for short periods of time. I love hearing you babble and sing as you play by yourself. Your favorite songs are Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Loves Me and how could I forget Jericho. Every time we get in the car (after you ask for a snack) you say “Jericho on please.” If it were up to you I’m sure you would name your “baby brudder” Jericho.
When we go to a new place you are observant at first and you don’t love being separated from your mama. You also are very hesitant of strangers. As you slowly warm up your bubbly personality starts to shine. Some people say you are dramatic like your mommy. With that excitability comes some tantrums and fits. Usually it’s over food or coming in from outside, but you are getting better at handling disappointment.
You still love your two fingers, your lambie stuffed animal, climbing all over daddy when he gets home from work and melmo (Elmo). You are a little lady and love to take care of your baby. Your favorite thing is to put her for a nap. We think you are going to be a great big sister.
We can’t wait to see what this next year brings and we thank God for blessing us with such a sweet child.
Happy birthday sweet girl!!!