Baby Boy is Here!
Last Thursday we welcomed a precious baby boy into our family. I definitely want to share his birth story on Heart of Deborah, but I’ll need some time to write it all out. My due date was August 30th and like his sister, baby boy was nice and cozy in there. Although I tried everything possible (trust me) I ended up being induced. Thankfully I was still able to have a natural birth.
I want to thank our families for all of their love and support so far. I can’t tell you how much it means to get help! Izzy has also adjusted wonderfully. Every morning the first words out of her mouth are “baby brudder.” Of course there are moments where I think “ahh how am I going to do this when Darryl goes back to work!?” but God is good and I know He will give me the patience and love to make it through.
For now we are enjoying baby snuggles and trying to get as much sleep as possible. I will keep you updated on baby boy’s progress. We are getting his newborn pictures tomorrow and I can’t wait!
Praise God for your beautiful boy! He is beautiful! Such fun! I know that feeling of being worried about when it is just you and your two little ones, but God’s grace is sufficient for each and every day and His mercies are new every morning. I think I re-discover that anew each time He transitions us into a new season. Blessings!
Congrats on your new addition! He sure is a cutie! I’m so happy for you. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.