11 Month Update
It seems like you learn something new each day IJ! You are such a joy to be around and you are such a social baby. Your sister is still your favorite person and you seemed to say her name a few times this past month. It is so precious to see your relationship grow and watch you try to play with each other. We had some big milestones this past month. You are officially weaned! You’ve always done fairly well with the bottle so it was a fairly smooth transition. Your mommy was the only person who was a little sad, isn’t it funny how that works!? You aren’t quite sure how to hold the bottle yourself yet. We are working on it!
Your language seems to be really developing. You can now say ball, hi, bye, night-night and bubble. It’s been so much fun watching you grow and seeing the wheels turn in your head. We’ve continued to do a lot of swimming in the pool this month because it has been so hot. We haven’t been outside as much as you would like, you really enjoy roaming and exploring. You are getting very fast at crawling and you cruise easily. It won’t be much longer until you are mobile.
We are planning your first birthday party and it is a ball theme in honor of your first word. I can’t wait to see how you react when you eat cake for the first time. You still love to eat and now we can add kale burgers to one of your favorite foods to eat. You also had a PB&J sandwich for the first time this week and you loved it. I can’t believe you will be one in a short month! Time is truly flying, but I would say we are definitely having fun and you are the perfect addition to our family IJ.