5 Meaningful Ways to Teach Children About God
As parents we are key players in the shaping of our children’s hearts. What a beautiful and yet slightly terrifying responsibility! Though raising children is a blessing, be honest, how many times have you wondered Am I even doing this right!?
I know I’ve had that exact thought on more than a few occasions. While is no such thing as a perfect parent with God’s grace and help we can raise the next generation to be full of love, hope and joy.
So how do we do this? How do we raise kids with a biblical worldview? How do we help our kids connect with God at a young age?
In today’s world busy is better. Play dates, piano lessons, soccer practice, science experiments or art lessons often fill our schedules. All these things are wonderful and make childhood beautiful.
But when we take a step back and look at childrearing through a biblical worldview one of our most important jobs is to teach our children about Jesus. All the other activities are secondary.
So while this list isn’t exhaustive, I want to share with you 5 meaningful ways to raise kids who know Jesus. Use these tools to intentionally help your children grow spiritually.
#1 Read the Bible
This is foundational step to helping our children connect with God. As we learn more about who God is, we learn more about who we are in him.
We love the Jesus Storybook Bible for young children. It’s centered around Christ and written in a way that is easy for kids to understand. For pre-k through elementary age kids we love the Indescribable Devotional as a supplement. It’s very engaging and teaches kids how God is seen in our world.
Finally, we recently discovered the Mighty Series (Bible Stories for Kids) and they quickly became some of our favorite bedtime books. The illustrations are absolutely stunning and the text is Biblically accurate.
What books do you love to teach your children more about God? Tell us in the comments below!
#2 Practice His Presence
You may be thinking, what in the world does that mean? That means being intentional about listening for God and learning to discern His voice. This can feel overwhelming for some kids (and hey let’s be honest, even some adults!).
We’ve explained it to our kids this way. Sometimes God speaks in an audible voice (like Samuel heard as a young boy in 1 Samuel 3). Other times it’s through visions, dreams or inspiration by the Holy Spirit. One of the best ways to experience God is through worship.
Go to a quiet, clean room in your home and turn on some worship music. Try to limit distractions (electronics, to-do lists, etc.). Thank God for all that He has done in your life. Then wait and see what happens. God may bring a scripture to your mind or put a person on your heart. Follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. And talk to your kids about what they are feeling or thinking while you worship together.
The more you and your children “practice” this, the better you get at discerning the voice of God. Make it a weekly habit. Pick one night out of the week to just worship and praise God. Dance, sing, shout, jump. And watch God move!
#3 Nurture Your Relationship With God
We can’t teach our children how about God if we aren’t building our relationship with Him on a regular basis. Yes it’s wonderful to read your Bible in the morning BEFORE everyone wakes up. But our kids are watching us. They often model what they see.
Don’t neglect your relationship with Christ. Take time yourself each day to pray, read His word and thank Him for all He is doing. Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest difference in our children’s lives.
They see how we react to bad news or even great news. Actions speak louder than words. Show them how to build a relationship with God by simply living it out in your own life.
#4 Bring God into Everyday Life
Worshiping God shouldn’t just be a Sunday morning thing. We are intentional about bringing God in our everyday lives.
One day a friend dropped off an at home spa kit. I received bad news that morning and was feeling very disappointed. God knew I needed a boost and this friend was used without even realizing it. We explained to our children how God provided and encouraged me through someone else’s actions.
If we see a beautiful sunset we talk about how God painted the sky. When we see a car accident we stop and pray for the people involved. Candid conversations about God’s beauty in the world and how He always provides for us can make a big impact in our children’s lives.
Finally, we pray together every day. At dinner time we rotate whose turn it is to pray. Our 20 month old baby even has a turn and if it’s just “Pray, pray, pray, Amen,” we believe God hears her prayer! Don’t hesitate to involve your kids in your prayer life. It’s beautiful and wonderful for them to learn how to pray at a young age.
#5 Get Involved in a Church
Yes everyone keeps saying church has left the building. And while that is somewhat true, I can’t stress how important it is to gather with other believers.
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17 NIV
We can’t sharpen one another if we don’t fellowship with other believers. Ask God to guide you in your decision to find a church. Pray for true friendship for your children with these powerful verses. Make a plan to engage with other believers on a weekly basis.
So there it is, 5 intentional ways to teach children about God.
Now I’d love to hear from you! What are some of the best ways you bring Jesus into your children’s lives? Tell us in the comments ts below.
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My children and I watch Kids Bible Adventure. Its a kids Bible show on YouTube. it connects with the App YouVersion. We play the games on the app but we watch the videos on YouTube. It basically gives a 20 MIN. mini lesson. They learn memory verses and sing songs which they love to sing and dance with. I participate along with them and it shows I value this experience and since they don’t have it available on Kids Youtube I help Monitor pop-ups. PS. we listen and dance to The Blessing- by Kari Cobe also. They love it. We watch TD jakes sermons live on Sundays. We read our memory verses i print and hang on the wall and say them with our morning prayer. I bought the YouVersion Kids Bible to connect the games, and videos they see with the story and pictures. We have a beginners Bible that they read also. I let my 2 boys (under 5yrs)know that God is important and we worship Jesus who died for us. We also listen to gospel music on Spotify. We do this everyday and listen to the Kids Bible Story podcast before nap.