Kid Songs With Motions

We recently started going to our local library for a toddler reading program and our little girl loves it. I like it too because it gives us something to do and we both get to interact with other human beings! I noticed a lot of the songs they sing include hand motions. Izzy loves to move so songs with hand motions keep her attention.

I also think the hand motions help her learn different parts of the body. For example, touch your nose or pat your belly. I wanted to see what songs where out there with motions so I made a list. I plan to use this list to learn the songs and practice them with our daughter. I also linked the songs to videos on youtube, some of them are a little silly, but you will get the gist of the hand motions when you watch.

10 Kids Songs with Motions to Keep Your Busy Toddler's Attention

Kid Songs With Motions

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 

Tony Chestnut (Toe Knee Chestnut) 

Shaky Egg (I Know a Chicken)

If You’re Happy & You Know It 

I’m A Little Tea Pot

Do You Ears Hang Low

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Wheels on the Bus

Where is Thumbkin? 

The research is mixed when it comes to music exposure and intelligence. Some experts believe early music exposure improves intelligences, others say there is no correlation. The way I see it, it can’t hurt! Additionally, here is one research study suggesting there is a correlation between early music instruction and spatial-temporal reasoning abilities

What is your favorite kid’s song with motions?

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  1. We’ve been going too, for books and babies! Maria loves Tony Chestnut, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus (I use her feet to do the motions), Pat a Cake, and Shake Your Sillies Out 🙂

    1. I don’t know if I’ve ever heard Shake Your Sillies out. I’ll have to check it out. The library taught us Tony Chestnut and I thought it was adorable!

      1. Yeah, I had never heard Tony Chestnut before either! Maria also really likes the Good Morning song we learned there (I think the older kids do that one too?) I sing it to her every morning when she wakes up 🙂

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