How to Powerfully Embrace Your Postpartum Body
Last week in our Instagram community I shared that I was struggling with my postpartum body. I just gave birth to baby number three and phew it seemed like my post baby bump was way bigger than before! I knew this was part of the process, but I couldn’t shake the tiny voice in my head telling me “this is not good.”
I’m so thrilled to say that many of you shared awesome advice and encouragement on how to embrace your postpartum body. I thought it was so good and helpful, that I should write it up to share with other moms in the same boat.
As a mom it’s comforting to me to know that I’m not in this alone. That I’m not the first and certainly not the last mama to question her postpartum body. So many changes happen in the first 6 weeks after giving birth. We need to be gentle with ourselves and remember it’s a process.
Also each mother’s experience is different. No more comparing our bodies!
So let’s get to it.
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Here are real ways to love and embrace your postpartum body from real moms.
1: Listen to your body. Remember you GREW a human in there. Take it slow and don’t push it.
2: Just remember you will get it back. If it takes long, who cares. Embrace it if you can. Your kids would rather have a happy mom than a mom who is miserable trying to get her body back.
3: Try a belly band! Many moms recommended a band like this one to help slowly pull that loose skin back and tighten up those muscles around our abdomen. I found this belly band to be very comforting. Try wearing it for a few hours each day.
4: Mentally give yourself grace. It took close to 10 months to birth your baby so it may take 10 months to get yourself to a place where you are satisfied.
5: Find clothes that fit well and feel comfortable. Give yourself years of grace, not just a few weeks or months.
6: Declare scriptures over yourself like “I’m beautifully and wonderfully made!” Because that is true of every season.
7: Fast from social media if you need to! Do what you need to do to get your mind in the right space.
8: It took 9 months to grow a human and it will take that or more to feel comfy again. It’s unrealistic to think you will be right back to where you were before a baby.
My last thoughts on postpartum care
In the first few weeks, it’s not always easy to find time to practice self-care. It’s easy to say, nap when the baby naps, but is it practical in your life? Do what you need to do to prioritize sleep and healing. For me that means going to bed at 8 PM and leaving the dirty dishes in the sink. It won’t be like this forever. It’s okay if I don’t have it all together.
So what about you? How do you handle the first few weeks of life after birth? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Also be sure to join us on Instagram for more mom encouragement!