Tips for Natural Baby Skincare
This is part two of the natural baby series focusing on skincare! In case you missed part one I talked about sleep and how we keep our baby safe and warm at night. Did you know chemicals and toxins can be absorbed into our skin and bloodstream without us even knowing it? I’ve found the impact of chemicals in beauty products is debated and I used to think ‘who cares, everything is bad for you.’ But the more I learn about it the more I want to make smart informed decisions.
A small disclaimer: This post is not intended to scare anyone or make you feel like you buy the wrong products. That being said our family tries to keep a balanced perspective. We can try to eat healthy and take care of our bodies, but at the end of the day we trust God and pray for His ultimate protection.
This post contains some affiliate links for products we love.
Over the years I’ve found the healthy lifestyle intriguing and I enjoying researching products and sharing tips with my family and friends. I hope you find this information useful!
Tips for finding natural baby skincare products:
- Read the ingredient list before you buy anything!
- Sometimes I am in a rush and I see the word “organic” or “natural” so I buy it. When I get home I look at the ingredient list and I am surprised at what I find.
- One of the best resources for researching ahead of time is the Environmental Working Group’s skin database.
- You can search for almost any beauty product and read about the ingredients. The EWG also gives each product a score from low hazard to high hazard.
- Make your own beauty products:
- I’ve made a few lotions and body scrubs for myself over the years. I think it’s fun and I know exactly what I am putting into the products. Especially with Pinterest you can find so many all natural homemade recipes for your and your family.
- Use whole ingredients. We use organic unrefined shea butter
by itself on our daughter’s skin. She gets patches of eczema in the winter and instead of Vaseline we’ve found raw shea butter does the trick.
- I also complied a list of my favorite DIY postpartum and baby products right after our daughter was born. I don’t make the all natural baby wipes as much as I used to, but after reading about all the chemicals in wipes I may need to get back to it!
- Know what ingredients to avoid:
- Here is a short list of some ingredients to avoid: fragrance, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, formaldehyde and boric acid.
- More resources on this include: Top tips for safer products (EWG) & Dirty dozen cosmetic chemicals.
- Instead try to use all natural unrefined products such as jojoba oil
, coconut oil
, shea butter and essential oils.
- Use less products:
- People often ask us about our daughter’s curly hair. Some people call it “wild” which it can be! At this point we are skipping any kind of curl enhancer or curl defining gel. Instead we use California Baby Hair Conditioner. We’ve found conditioner helps keep her curls manageable. We put some in her hair, brush it to get all the knots out, then rinse.
- I’ve also heard people skipping baby powder all together. I didn’t read about this until recently!
- Finally ask yourself “Is this truly necessary?” In today’s world we are told through marketing that we “need” a lot of things. Be aware of marketing strategies and try to avoid things that aren’t essential.
If you are interested follow my Natural Baby board on Pinterest where I post my favorite natural baby recipes, tips and tricks from around the web.
What is your favorite natural baby skincare product?
In the interest of full disclosure, some of the links in this post are affiliate links. They are all for products I truly believe in and buy for myself. If you decide to purchase any of these products through these links, I will earn a small commission. All prices are the same if you decide to purchase through my links. Thank you for supporting Heart of Deborah!