Mother (noun) – Friend, Encourager, Giver of Love

What is a mother? Now that I’m a mom I’ve come to realize how much dedication and hard work it takes to be a mother. It’s not an easy job and challenges definitely come with the position. But it is one of the most rewarding experiences. There is nothing like your baby’s first smile or first hug. Raising Izzy makes me realize how blessed I am to have such a wonderful mom.

what is a mother? the beauty of motherhood

I seriously don’t know what I would do without her. My mom is my best friend. I talk to her everyday. Throughout the years we’ve laughed, cried, and yelled. She is the first person I call when our baby is screaming and I can’t figure out why. My mom gives amazing advice and she isn’t afraid to tell me when I’m wrong. I am so grateful for our open relationship. I remember before Izzy was born I told my mom I didn’t want anyone to stay with us the first night home from the hospital. A few hours after our baby girl was born I told my mom ‘I NEED you’! Recently, we started a crafting endeavor together and it is so much fun using the gifts God gave us to create new things.

My grandmother (Nona) has also been a huge influence in my life. She knows how to make anyone feel special and she always gives unconditional love! I feel so blessed to have so many great role models in my life. My prayer is that I can be a friend, encourager, and giver of love to Izzy.

a mother's love, mother's day 2014

What is your favorite memory with your mom? 


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  1. It sounds like you have been blessed with amazing women through your years :)! Izzy is so adorable. You have some great things in your etsy shop! Congrats on your new mother/daughter venture. I’m sure you two will be very successful and have a wonderful time on your creative journey.

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