You Are More Than “Just a Mom”

It’s an innocent question to ask, but for some reason when I get asked it, I feel flustered. If I meet someone new and they say:

“So, what do you do?”

I’m not always sure how to respond. A bit awkwardly I reply, “I’m just a stay at home mom.”

Since our oldest daughter was born, I’ve stayed at home. Through the years, I’ve had numerous part time jobs, but I still mostly identify as a stay at home mom.

Being a mom is something I always dreamed of. I couldn’t wait for the day when I had my own children. As a young girl I thought motherhood was the highest calling and the best way to live as an adult woman.

But now that I’m living my dream I occasionally feel like I’m not doing enough. That somehow being a mom isn’t a worthy enough endeavor.

One day I started to question why I felt this way. What was causing me to feel like I wasn’t enough as a mother? Why did I less than? What was the root cause?

In today’s world, it seems like meaning a stay at home mom is a job that no one wants full-time.

If you aren’t winning awards or earning promotions, then what do you do all day?

With the increase in social media, you can start to believe that other women have it all. A great job, an amazing husband, a thriving family, a clean house and the list goes on.

We start to believe the lie that we have to do multiple things and do them all well in order to feel worthy. Accomplishments equal success. Work equals significance.

Washing the dishes, scrubbing the floors and packing the lunches won’t win me any awards. And it certainly won’t bring in any paychecks. But what if my thought process that a paycheck brings me worth is wrong?

What if some of our greatest work is something that can’t be quantified?

As I challenged my inner thoughts, I soon realized I had the wrong perspective about motherhood.

What if some of our greatest work is something that can't be quantified? As I challenged my inner thoughts, I soon realized I had the wrong perspective about motherhood.

Now a little side note before we get any further. If you have a traditional career or you love working in addition to being a mom, there is nothing wrong with that. I’ve always enjoyed having my own thing and wearing additional hats besides “mom.” This post is not to shame any working mothers.

But it’s to encourage all moms that motherhood is a worthy endeavor.

Children ARE a gift from Heaven and it’s beautiful to fully embrace this truth. We shouldn’t feel embarrassed about motherhood.

I’ve always loved this quote from Andy Stanley:

Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God may not be something you do, but someone you raise.

It reminds me that life is more than money, success or fame. It’s about loving God and making Him known to the world. When this is our focus, our thoughts about raising children shifts.

When we view our daily lives through an eternal perspective, we can clearly see the value we bring to our families. How lovely is it that we get to care for our husbands, children and homes!

You are so valuable as a mother. Read some encouraging quotes and a devotional to be inspired in your motherhood journey.

But I get it. Motherhood is not easy. There are days where you feel like you just can’t. And you dream about getting some alone time. Even with the challenges, I want to encourage you to keep going.

A few years ago I stumbled across J.R. Miller quotes about family and motherhood. After I read through them I had a change of heart. What a privilege it is to be a wife and mother.

“Her spirit gives the home its atmosphere. Her hands fashion its beauty. Her heart makes its love. And the end is so worthy, so noble, so divine, that no woman who has been called to be a wife, and has listened to the call, should consider any price too great to pay, to be the light, the joy, the blessing, the inspiration of a home.”

J.R. Miller

Repeat after me: I create the atmosphere of my home and I am a blessing to my family.

We need to remind ourselves of this on a daily basis. Write it down on a piece of paper and put it on your fridge.

Even if we never win any awards or earn a salary, we can store up treasure in heaven by giving generously to our families! That’s a prize I don’t want to miss.

And let me tell you there is no secret formula to making motherhood less challenging. Even though it’s hard, I truly believe if we embrace our roles as nurturers and helpmates we’ll see a larger purpose in our day to day lives.

Raising young children, keeping an orderly house (okay let’s be honest somewhat orderly) and creating a positive home atmosphere is so valuable. We serve an important role in our families! Let’s not forget that.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

How do you handle this question when someone asks you, “what do you do?” How do you find value and purpose in motherhood? Share with us in the comments below.

Looking for more inspiration? Be sure to follow Inspired Motherhood on Instagram for daily encouragement in motherhood.

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Mothers are so important! I know it's tempting to say I'm just a mom, but you are so much more. Find encouragement in your journey here.

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