Happy 1st Birthday

Our son turned one last week and I can’t believe we have two official toddlers in our house! It’s crazy how fast this first year went. I wrote a letter to our daughter on her third birthday and so I wanted to do the same for our son. We had a nice celebration for him with family and friends. It was unexpectedly hot that day, but we were able to use the pool one last time, which IJ LOVED. So here it goes.

Happy First Birthday To Our Son!

Dear IJ,

Happy first birthday! We are so blessed to have you in our lives and I can’t imagine life without you. You have the biggest, brightest smile and it always lights up the room. You are a very social baby and you love checking out everything that is going on around you. Every morning when your sister comes downstairs (you are ALWAYS awake first), you get the biggest smile and you crawl right over to her. You also love to talk and you try your best to communicate with your sister. Your first word was ball and you recently started saying “oh, no” in the sweetest little voice.


You love your mommy and cuddling with whoever will hold you. Some of your favorite activities are swimming, splashing yourself in the face, throwing a ball and hitting things with your hammer. For the most part you are great at meal time. You will try almost anything and one of your favorite foods is peas! You are a messy eater though and you definitely want to do it yourself. When you finish if we don’t catch you soon enough you start throwing food all over the floor and even the wall. You are sometimes a stinker about napping, but you are starting to enjoy your crib more. 



One of the sweetest things happened at your birthday party. We were all anxious to see what you would do with your cake because your sister cried when hers was taken away. She loves birthdays and cake! You were hesitant when we first put your cake down and after you took a bite you kind of shook your head. Then your sister walked over and you started feeding her multiple bites. It was so precious and it brought tears to my eyes. I love watching your sibling relationship blossom. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for you! We love watching you grow and learn IJ. 


Cute birthday party decor. Paint a mason jar with chalk paint and add baseball stitches. Great for a boy's ball or sports theme party.
A simple mason jar craft with chalk paint I had leftover!

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